Games like The Last of Us, Enslaved and Tokyo Jungle give us glimpses of what life would look like after people have…
It's hard to believe DmC came out this year… last January feels like a hundred years ago. Ninja Theory's game…
As the old saying goes, "Video games beget more video games." Successful video games beget sequels. And The Last of…
I love Ninja Theory. Not only was it my favorite elective in college, they make some pretty wonderful action…
The past few years produced a huge amount of great games and a surprisingly decent amount of them have…
Post-apocalyptic worlds in video games don't necessarily have to be grimdark, depressing or colorless. There are…
From the first time I saw Heavenly Sword concept art in an old copy of Edge, right through to their work today, I've…
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was one of the unexpected surprises of 2010—a wonderfully colorful, well-told story…
Ninja Theory's Enslaved may not have been one of 2010's more memorable games, but these custom action figures built…
Today has Enslaved on sale for $25 all day long, with timed lightning deals for Super Street Fighter IV,…
Enslaved has Hollywood talent like actress Lindsay Shaw. The game was written by Alex Garland of 28 Days Later and…
Today at GamesCom I witnessed a monkey touching a pig's penis. Perhaps I should explain.
Ninja Theory's lush post-apocalyptic game Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is just one of the many action-adventure…
Alex Garland made a name for himself as the writer of the novel The Beach. Then he wrote the script for horror…
Developer Ninja Theory will work its multiplatform ninjitsu with Enslaved, a lovely looking post apocalyptic buddy…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory has already proven that they can make "post apocalyptic" pretty with Enslaved:…
Heavenly Sword developer Ninja Theory's next game, Enslaved, may offer the most pleasant looking post-apocalyptic…
Take a trip through post-apocalyptic America with Monkey and Trip in Enslaved, a new action-adventure game coming in…
Ninja Theory, the team behind the PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword, has made quite clear its intentions to go…