Crunch, or the process of video game developers working very long hours for a very long time, is a big problem. I…
Depending what part of an Uncharted game you see him in, Nathan Drake is either a wisecracking dude clinging to a…
I’ve taken nice shots in Uncharted 4's photo mode, you’ve probably taken some too, but professional real world…
Remember that invisible lemur bug in Uncharted 4? Turns out it can also affect Drake himself, making one of the…
Not everyone was happy with new Uncharted 4 characters like Nadine “Triceps” Ross. In fact, according to director…
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a beautiful game on its own. Add an extensive Photo Mode and a creative player base…
We’ve talked a lot about Uncharted 4's single player here on Kotaku, but if you want to get a sense of the other big…
If you’ve started playing Uncharted 4, by now you’ve probably gotten up to that scene. The secret one. You know, the…
Most big video games these days are the result of a team of dozens, if not hundreds of people working on them.…
Last year during E3, hundreds of thousands watched as Nathan Drake walked into a Madagascar market and then... froze…
Climbing is difficult. At least it can be. Depending on what you’re climbing. Climbing is also technical. Perhaps…
These days, people think of Naughty Dog as the company behind the Uncharted series, but it didn’t start that way.…
Uncharted 4 is, without a doubt, the best-looking video game I’ve ever played. Here’s an in-depth analysis of how…
Want to get a taste of Nathan Drake’s final adventure? You’ve come to the right place.
Uncharted 4 won’t be out for another two weeks, but retailers across the world have somehow lost track of that,…
“14-Year Anniversary of Crash Bandicoot Passes By Largely Unnoticed” is an Onion headline from 2010, and it’s true:…
Surprising absolutely no one, Uncharted 4 continues to look amazing.
The stubble. The wrinkles. The sweat. The hair. Nathan Drake’s model has gotten pretty incredible in Uncharted 4 and…
There’s going to be another Uncharted 4 multiplayer stress test this weekend. Unlike the last one in December, players won’t need to be signed up on PlayStation Plus. You can download the client today.
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This morning, Naughty Dog published an incredible trailer for their next game, Uncharted 4. Within the next two…