While Microsoft will take swift, stern action against anyone caught using the javelin "exploit" in Modern Warfare 2,…
Needless to say, when a game sells as many copies as Modern Warfare 2 has, there'll be millions of people hanging…
If you followed the rules, you just finished the Modern Warfare 2 campaign this weekend and are here to discuss it…
"Will Statton" - not his real name - is 48 years old. And when Modern Warfare 2 was released, he was up at midnight…
Outer space and betrayal are a part of the fourth (of five) Game Club meetings about the Modern Warfare 2 campaign.…
Take this with a grain of salt, but this clip sure looks like it's revealing some new multiplayer modes for Modern…
Absurd excesses aside, Modern Warfare 2 likes to keep thing pretty straight. Real men, real weapons, real countries.…
Modern Warfare 2 has made about a bazillion dollars so far around the world, but that's not all profit. You've got…
We're back for more discussion of the only (?) video game that includes inspirational quotes from both Gandhi and…
Modern Warfare isn't funny. Not intentionally, anyways. In an effort to make it funny, our brothers at sister site…
Now is when being a part of the Game Club gets tough. We've had the exciting first meeting. We've had the second one…
As seen on Modern Warfare 2 last night (thanks Jordan!)
And we are back for the second part of the only gaming "book club" promoted on national cable TV. We are discussing…
Activision claimed yesterday that Modern Warfare 2 was the "biggest launch in history across all forms of…
According to "internal Activision estimates", Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 didn't just have a good launch, it had…
This should give you an idea of what to expect during next month's NPD figures: it's been announced that in the…
Guess which video-game themed comic is among the releases today. Really. You'll never figure it out!
You've read the rumors. It's happening now. Join in the chat below and for the next hour, let's talk about the first…
Kotaku has fielded many complaints from PlayStation 3 users that their version of Modern Warfare 2 has been ridden…