The drama involving the creators of one of the biggest franchises in gaming continues as Jason West and Vince…
The courtroom drama unfolding over the Call of Duty franchise is in many ways big, and important, and heavy, but…
This week's episode of animated comedy series Family Guy ends with a special treat: a cameo appearance from Modern…
The legal stoush between publishers Activision and former Infinity Ward bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella isn't…
The team from Britain's FiveFWD gadget show were feeling crafty the other day, so went and built themselves a…
Acknowledging that as many as 20 million (of its 25 million players) "no longer [derive] pleasure from blowing up…
Robert Bowling, community manager for Modern Warfare developers Infinity Ward, has returned to his Tweeting ways afte…
You've read the lawsuit filed by Infinity Ward's former bosses, now check out a supposed internal Activision memo,…
Chocolate. Hearts. Smooching. How was your Valentine's Day? Good, we hope. Comedian Sarah Silverman describes the… is doling out 360 deals all day long, discounting titles Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Assassin's…
Right now, Modern Warfare is top of the war shooter hill. The game's publisher Activision stands atop that hill — a…
Modern Warfare usually is discussed as a major franchise for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and is subject for debate on the…
Remember kids, some products exist purely to victimize the clueless. Like this four DVD set with a familiar name.…
Time for a handy reminder: if you've pre-loaded a copy of Modern Warfare 2 on Steam, you won't be able to play it…
Last night, we pointed you towards some comparison shots showing the supposed differences between Modern Warfare 2…
Modern Warfare 2 is the year's biggest game, and it's a multiplatform title to boot. And those kind of games always…
The game that has sent the competition scurrying into 2010 looks set to break all kinds of sales records when it's…
The original Modern Warfare had a hugely popular beta/demo. No doubt helped sell a few million copies of the game.…
Seems the PlayStation 3 version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has been rendered nearly unplayable, thanks to…
Modern Warfare 2 has once more been renamed, shifting back to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 after ditching the…