Right now, Modern Warfare is top of the war shooter hill. The game's publisher Activision stands atop that hill — a hill rival companies like Electronic Arts are eager to climb.
"In March we will launch Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which is our first strong attack on Call Of Duty," EA Europe boss Jens Uwe told MCV Magazine. "The shooter space is one we don't want to give up. It's an important genre and we were the number one. So we are certainly working on how we can get that crown back and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is an important product in that context."
According to Uwe, "If any of our studios can take on Modern Warfare, then it's DICE." Known for the Battlefield series, EA Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment AB (EA DICE) is a Swedish video game developer owned by Electronic Arts.
EA Interview [MCV Magazine via CVG]