Having problems getting online to play Modern Warfare 2, PlayStation 3 owners? You're not the only one. The game is…
You've read the rumors. It's happening now. Join in the chat below and for the next hour, let's talk about the first…
I've reviewed the night vision goggles and Mad Catz 360 accessories for Modern Warfare 2. But what about the…
Kotaku has fielded many complaints from PlayStation 3 users that their version of Modern Warfare 2 has been ridden…
Need an idea of just how big Modern Warfare 2's launch has been? Here's one: over the past week, Activision shipped…
Funny thing, hype. Sometimes it builds up for months, until the pressure becomes almost unbearable. And other times,…
Sony may actually have found a meaningful way to get people using PlayStation Home again, at least for a night, by…
Amazon.com, hearing your cries for more Modern Warfare 2 coverage, brings word today that Infinity Ward's newly…
Modern Warfare 2 garnered an absurd amount of attention from not just this site, but seemingly everyone with its…
PC gamers choosing to get their Modern Warfare 2 fix through Steam were expecting to have to wait until November the…
As promised/threatened, Kotaku's Game Club returns tomorrow. And now I can put a time on that: 2pm Kotaku Time…
Among the bounty of Modern Warfare 2-themed Mad Catz accessories are new controllers for the Xbox 360.
A game so wildly popular and well-known that we don't even have to explain what it is in the opening line for the…
If you thought the line for Modern Warfare 2 was scary, check out the crowd waiting outside of a New York City Best…
Just one of many video game stores preparing for the Modern Warfare 2 onslaught. Sent in by Stephen, picture by…
Modern Warfare 2 is nice and all, but The Onion has the scoop on Modern Warfare 3 - the most realistic military…
Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson answers the call of duty in the highly charged Modern Warfare 2, developer Infinity…
Brilliant. Ice-T, ready to roll through buildings at the Modern Warfare 2 launch tonight. As seen on Giant Bomb.
Time for a handy reminder: if you've pre-loaded a copy of Modern Warfare 2 on Steam, you won't be able to play it…
Last night, we pointed you towards some comparison shots showing the supposed differences between Modern Warfare 2…