Needless to say, when a game sells as many copies as Modern Warfare 2 has, there'll be millions of people hanging…
How time changes men. In 2007, Infinity Ward were gushing over the important things in Call of Duty 4's PC version,…
If you followed the rules, you just finished the Modern Warfare 2 campaign this weekend and are here to discuss it…
"Will Statton" - not his real name - is 48 years old. And when Modern Warfare 2 was released, he was up at midnight…

Not a speed-run, but this Zero Punctuation-style rundown of Modern Warfare 2 provides a Cliffs Notes to the story…
Proving that the Modern Warfare 2 "boycott" was more hollow tantrum than actual boycott, Infinity Ward have revealed…
Some who bought CD keys for Modern Warfare 2 - no physicial media in other words - from import resellers have seen…
Just as DJ Hero, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Guitar Hero have done before it, Modern Warfare 2 will grace the…
Outer space and betrayal are a part of the fourth (of five) Game Club meetings about the Modern Warfare 2 campaign.…
You remember when "tournament" used to mean knights in armor and jousting and stuff? Of course you don't. Everyone…
This morning, British publication The Guardian reports that Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is going…

Take this with a grain of salt, but this clip sure looks like it's revealing some new multiplayer modes for Modern…
Absurd excesses aside, Modern Warfare 2 likes to keep thing pretty straight. Real men, real weapons, real countries.…
Modern Warfare 2 has made about a bazillion dollars so far around the world, but that's not all profit. You've got…
Were Activision to pass on creating a Call of Duty-based film, it would be leaving millions on the table. Not their…
If you've played Modern Warfare 2 — and if you've died at any point in the game's campaign — you may have received…
How does the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 compare to the console versions? I spent some time with…
We're back for more discussion of the only (?) video game that includes inspirational quotes from both Gandhi and…
Modern Warfare isn't funny. Not intentionally, anyways. In an effort to make it funny, our brothers at sister site…
Luke already pointed out that Modern Warfare 2 is an entertainment industry record setter, so today's Activision…