Konami has announced a March 17th release date for the Metal Gear Online SCENE expansion, with some amazing new…
Not only does the SCENE Expansion add Vamp and Raiden to the list of special characters in MGO, it adds punchily…
Konami has just announced the third expansion pack for Metal Gear Online, SCENE, which delivers new maps, new gear,…
Konami told Metal Gear Online gamers that it's "taken action" against 113 alleged cheaters. From the tone of the…
Konami's keeping the legion of Metal Gear Online fans in fresh content by announcing an all-new mission for the…
Starting Christmas, model Akina Minami will be appearing in Metal Gear Online. Rather, her image will appear in an…
Konami's Metal Gear Online has gotten itself all patched up. Things have changed, and things have been fixed.…
There isn't much of "later this year" left, so it's about time Konami gave us a solid date on the upcoming second…
Over the weekend, I stayed at home at waited for the baby to fall out of my wife. (It didn't, but rather, hung…
Rocky start now behind itself, Metal Gear Online has gone on to boast one million members worldwide. Impressive! The…
Konami has announced a second expansion pack for Metal Gear Online. The pack, titled MEME Expansion, provides new…
Metal Gear Online has been, to quote, a "clusterfuck". Partially because Konami's online reliability is shaky, at…
Click to viewMetal Gear Online sure hasn't gone as smoothly as Konami (or anyone else for that matter) had hoped.…
Konami and Major League Gaming have teamed up to host a Metal Gear Online Tournament at this year's Comic-Con in…
Before Kojima Productions and Konami get Hideo Kojima that editor he so desperately needs, perhaps the company…
During Konami's E3 press conference, they announced a World Championship for Metal Gear Online about the same time…
Metal Gear Online's first expansion pack - Gene - has been dated during Konami's E3 address yesterday. And that…
Konami has dropped details on the first Metal Gear Online expansion, known as the "Gene Expansion," on its official…
Metal Gear Online players, you've now got two new additions to your Metal Gear Online gameplay. One is a new game…