No Rock Man. No Guts Man. No Cut Man. And yet the unlicensed bootleg Mega Man Pro app that popped up on Apple's…
Some days it's just not safe to surf one-a-day online t-shirt shops. Between Ript's brilliant Pac-Man / Labyrinth…
Keiji Inafune sounded an ominous note at the beginning of his presentation during the Game Developers Conference…
The guy who uploaded this admits the audio is dubbed over, but he says that it's the English sound file from the th…
I love creative fan works. I never cease to be amazed at the brilliant drawings, sculptures, songs, videos, and more…
Well apparently, now you have. A diehard Mega Man (Rockman in Japan) fan displayed his collection of Mega Man's…
We've known for a while that Kuro and Toro, the Sony cat mascots, would find their way into Street Fighter X Tekken…
In this video, you will see a man sit down to play some Mega Man II. You'll also see a band. What you should then…
Nintendo puzzle platformer PushMo is the hottest game to hit the 3DS eStore. Twitter user CushionLotion makes it…
Keiji Inafune gave us Mega Man, one of gaming's immortal heroes and mascot for Japanese publisher Capcom. But then…
When a reader passed this along and said it was a "fucking abomination", I thought, well, those are awfully strong…
What happens when 20 top video game music remixers take on 18 of the biggest, baddest bosses ever committed to CD…
As far as I know, there has never been a Mega Man toaster.
As soon as games launch, he or she's got 'em. This gamer doesn't just play games, this gamer collects them. Their…
Nerd rap superstar Random, who you may also know as Mega Ran, is back with a brand new album called Mega Ran 10.…
The hardest lesson taught by Tetris is that success isn't infinitely sustainable. Those blocks are going to get…
A building in Dallas, Texas gets a Mega Man-flavored makeover courtesy of graffiti artist Kid NES and the fine…
The original Dead Rising featured a full set of Mega Man armor and a functional Mega Buster. Well, if Capcom's…
Iron Man, Tron Bonne and Mega Man Zero team up to lay waste to Galactus and his army. Intense Marvel vs. Capcom 3…
Keiji Inafune split from Capcom about a year ago, clearly burned out—at one point he said he "hated" his job.…