Someone on pried apart the files inside Max Payne 3 and found a vehicle list shot through with…
This only marginally qualifies as a spoiler alert because, if you've played Max Payne 3 longer than 20 minutes,…
Max Payne 3 throws a lot of highly stylized violence at you and almost all of it is beautiful to look at. But…
Now that Max Payne 3's out, maybe you figured you'd catch up with Max Payne's drug-addled life by playing through…
I've seen quite a few slow-motion CGI kill shots in my life, really. That's part of what it is to play a game…
Today, Rockstar was kind enough to send me a copy of Max Payne 3, along with some violent (but cool) promotional…
Just when he thought he could lose his tragic past in a booze and pill-addled haze, Rockstar Games drags Max Payne…
If you're planning on picking up Max Payne 3 when it releases tomorrow, Max will be urging you to hurry the hell…
Maybe I'm the only one keeping score every time this is noted, but Max Payne 3 is the latest game to say fuck no,…
It's not that common that a video game character realizes that he's actually in a video game. And like any…
Bullet time! The supernatural act of slowing down time as you either shoot a gun or dodge the bullets of someone…
Max Payne doesn't wear tights. But, if insanely fast reflexes, deadly marksmanship and an ability to swill the…
The full run of downloadable content for Max Payne 3 is available for pre-order starting today, two weeks before the…
It's been previously announced that Rockstar Games, Remedy Entertainment and Marvel Comics are teaming up to bring…
Now, PC gamers, you might be mad that you'll have to wait a few weeks after the console release to get Max Payne 3…
There must be something about the number three that signals that Rockstar Games is done messing around and is about…
Here's the official Max Payne 3 promotional trailer, which premiered last night on ESPN during the Los Angeles…
What are you going to do while waiting for Max Payne 3's release on May 15? Well, there's a new Max Payne game out…
Bullet time. It used to be the thing that separated the Max Payne games' operatic gunfights from everything else…