Lady Dimitrescu, otherwise known as Resident Evil Village’s Tall Vampire Lady, is very tall. Capcom confirmed…
Update (12/03/2020, 4:11 p.m. ET): Fortnite has officially announced Kratos. God of War items are available now…
Halo Infinite has been delayed until next year. This is most likely for the best, as it seemed like it needed some…
Hello! Today we try to figure out what Death Stranding is, discuss pornography playing cards, prank The Master…
Last week I challenged the wonderful readers of Kotaku to reveal some Nintendo secrets. After learning that Nintendo…
An erroneous piece of Halo lore began with a joke by the Twitter account dril, posted on May 11, 2017: “my main…
Each new Halo game since 2007’s Halo 3 gets some praise, then fades, and then is pointed to as a sign that the…
In a developer update posted last night, 343 Industries outlined ongoing plans to update Master Chief Collection, an…
Just in time for next week’s 10th anniversary of Halo 3: Live Halo Or Die Trying, the folks at gaming gear makers…
Look at him. Cute as a button. Just don’t go trying to find him on yours, if you ever decide to pick one of these…
You get nothing and lose almost everything, it's a bad deal
I was going to call "Master Chief and Arbiter (Gods Among)" by Sita Navas fan art, but the "fan" label feels cheap…
Bungie created Halo. Now they've moved on to "shared world" sci-fi shooter Destiny. That does not, however, mean…
Before he let himself go, Marlon Brando was pretty much the pinnacle of American masculinity. Too bad that Halo didn'…
Master Chief makes it look easy, doesn't he? But, it turns out that wielding the famous bladed Covenant weapon from…
Some things are sacred to a plumber: Family, kingdom, honor. But few things are as sacred as power-ups. I pity the…
Mister Chief came to us nearly 10 years ago, filling in for a Halo 2 promotional poster on the good ol' Bungie…
"Draw My Life" videos have become increasingly popular on YouTube. So popular that fictional characters are picking…
Ever wonder what @Mario is up to on Twitter? How about @Sonic? Or maybe @Wario, @MarcusFenix or @MasterChief?
The White House's bullshit feel-good "We the People" initiative is, like all Internet petitions, worth the paper it…