There's not just a Lost Planet sequel/prequel on the way, there's also a Lost Planet spin-off called EX Troopers.…
Lost Planet 3 happens in space. More specifically, future space. And it'll have the star-faring ships and…
Capcom's German outlet has posted this lengthy clip giving us our first substantial look at Lost Planet 3…
I did not ask for Lost Planet 3. Did you?
E.X. Troopers is the upomcing Lost Planet spin-off for the PS3 and the Nintendo 3DS. This debut PS3 trailer…
Capcom has updated Lost Planet 3's website to include a range of new screenshots for the upcoming sequel that, let's…
Sporting a story-driven solo campaign and an immersive snow-covered setting, Capcom's early Xbox 360 offering, Lost…
News of Lost Planet 3's announcement leaked earlier today, but here are the official screenshots, revealed by…
"Are you a North Korean?" I've been asked this question as often in America as I've been asked by Koreans if I own a…
"I was all bloody," Keiji Inafune said recently. The game developer, best known for titles like Dead Rising and Mega…
Former Capcom developer Keiji Inafune said recently at Ritsumeikan University that there was a time his old studio…
The PSP2—or the NGP, as its currently codenamed—may be powerful enough to play PlayStation 3-quality games. At…
Osaka-based game developer Capcom is known for...developing games. The company's boss now has a side business,…
E.D.N. III is thawing out in Lost Planet 2, and so are the game's cases, encased in ice blocks on Massachusetts Ave.…
On May 20, sci-fi action game Lost Planet 2 will be released in Japan. Know what that calls for?
Japanese toy manufacturer Kotobukiya announced yesterday the release of a line of figures based on Capcom's Lost…
Perhaps mistaken that the Consumer Electronics Show going down in Las Vegas this week is all about giant bugs and…
You know, Capcom, you should quit trying to sell Monster Hunter in the West. Just stick with Lost Planet. It does…
So, Capcom, David Hayter and producer Avi Arad are making a Lost Planet movie. If it followed the plot of the games,…
Next Wednesday, Capcom will be giving Xbox 360 owners a taste of Lost Planet 2's fist-bumping, bug-hunting…