News of Lost Planet 3's announcement leaked earlier today, but here are the official screenshots, revealed by publisher Capcom at the Captivate event in Rome earlier this month.
Development studio Spark Unlimited (best known for the poorly-received Turning Point: Fall of Liberty) is helming the title, a prequel to the first Lost Planet game. Which might not bode well for its success.
You'll play a pilot contractor named Jim, swapping between first-person combat in his utility rig and third-person shooting while on foot among the frozen tundra of E.D.N. III.
Capcom says the insectoid Akrid aliens will be back in full force for the third Lost Planet. In addition to fighting those nasty creatures off, you'll have to wade through "an ever changing climate that will affect the way you play," Capcom says.
Lost Planet 3 is slated for Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 in "early 2013."