What would you do if Capcom bundled together Lost Planet, Devil May Cry 4, and Dead Rising into one release at a…
It's Comic-Con time. That means, perversely, it's time for video game news and video game media. Early out of the…
While there were giant bugs in the first Lost Planet, all I remember are snowstorms and robot suits. Looking at…
Surprisingly, there's more than just Street Fighter in this lineup of fan-made Capcom wallpapers. Mega Man, Duck…
We're fairly sure that Lost Planet 2, despite its press release's decidedly pro-360 slant, will not be exclusive to…
Did you hear? Lost Planet 2 is coming! Time for some cut-throat marketing, which this week comes courtesy of Capcom…
In an interview in the upcoming issue of Famitsu, Capcom exec Keiji Inafune mentioned new Dead Rising and Lost Planet
The Resident Evil movies were B-grade stuff. The upcoming Street Fighter movie does not look promising. But Capcom…
MGS actor and Hollywood writer David Hayter said, a few weeks back, that a deal to bring Lost Planet to the big…
The voice of Solid Snake says that the film adaptation of Capcom's Lost Planet is this close — you can't see, but my…
Yesterday's episode of Evil Avatar's podcast featured as a special guest David "Voice of Solid Snake" Hayter. They…
Bionic Commando Wii? Unannounced. Lost Planet Wii? Ditto. "Or Something Like This?" Will be announced soon. Via a…
Capcom has partnered with Devil's Due Publishing—apparently I'm out of the comic book publisher loop—to introduce a…