Episode 2 of Lost Planet 2 pits you against the massive Akrid X, who may or may not secretly be the brother of Speed…
You know, Capcom, you should quit trying to sell Monster Hunter in the West. Just stick with Lost Planet. It does…
What's Resident Evil's Albert Wesker doing in Capcom's Lost Planet 2? Preorder the game from GameStop to find out.
Usually, when a country's gaming scene struggles, game creators take the heat. But an Edge interview with Lost…
The company also expects to sell more than 10 times that for Lost Planet 2.
Perhaps the essence of Lost Planet isn't the snow of the first game or the jungle of the upcoming sequel's first…
Osaka-based game company Capcom makes Resident Evil zombie games. With Resident Evil 5 shipping 5 million copies…
PlayStation 3 owners finally get a shot at the Lost Planet 2 co-op demo next week, with two exclusive missions…
Next Wednesday, Capcom will be giving Xbox 360 owners a taste of Lost Planet 2's fist-bumping, bug-hunting…
We are a week away from Electronic Arts and Sony Computer Entertainment's press conferences unofficially kicking…
During a Q&A session following the Comic-Con 2009 Lost Planet panel, game producer Jun Takeuchi let slip that…
It's Comic-Con time. That means, perversely, it's time for video game news and video game media. Early out of the…
While there were giant bugs in the first Lost Planet, all I remember are snowstorms and robot suits. Looking at…
Different folks, different strokes. Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi (Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet 2) has good things to…
Capcom's Lost Planet 2 is slated for this winter. So, we should expect a demo sometime between now and then, no?
Capcom's Lost Planet 2 trades the snowy landscape of the first game for the firey landscape of the second. This…
Yes, we know that Capcom's action shooter Lost Planet 2 is a multi-platform game. But the title's Japanese site…
Lost Planet 2 takes the best bits of the original title and adds four-player coop, more boss battles and a lush…
Looking for a rough release window for Capcom's Lost Planet 2? Look no further than the game's Japanese site. The Xbo…
To review: Capcom's Keiji Inafune mentioned a new Lost Planet title. Capcom released a carefully worded Lost Planet 2