Whether you're seriously low on ammo or just want to make someone's life completely miserable, there's nothing quite…
Let's list the games Kotaku reviewed this week in terms of positivity, starting with the game we liked least and…
What does DJ Hero 2 and RPG series Suikoden have in common? Both feature 108 stars, though while Suikoden's stars…
It was a week of "transmedia" entertainment in the world of Kotaku reviews, with big games like UFC Undisputed 2010…
It may not have been a week as rich with reviews as the previous one, but with Iron Man 2, Lost Planet 2 and more in…
Develop magazine has released the 2010 Develop 100, an annual listing of the most successful game developers in the…
What a week for Kotaku reviews! There were nine of them—ten if you count Owen Good's impromptu review of the KFC…
I believe it was the poet Bell Biv DeVoe who said "Never trust a big butt and a smile." But one thing you can trust?…
It was a week full of reasonably and unreasonably priced downloads, upscaled Wii games, and one game that was about…
It was a week in which new Wii games were reviewed and old Nintendo 64 games were reviewed, as well as one that…
With the use of some red ink and some blue ink, we reviewed some video games this week. Links to the results are…
What freaks out an old-school gamer more, a Sonic kart-racer or a Mega Man with an easy mode? We have reviews of…
It was a week infested with zombies, Nazi zombies and micro-reviews, the smaller format reserved for Kotaku reviews…
Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen, because this week's batch of original Kotaku reviews is in the pipe, five by…
You would have thought it was Christmas or something. We sure did review a lot of big games this week. We said they…
Some reviews we ran this week made people angry. Well, honestly, some of the reviews made us angry too.
We got together this week and reviewed a bunch of games for you. And one computer. One large computer.
All the games we reviewed in the past week were not called Dark Void. Just two of them.
It's 2010 and we are still reviewing games, still refusing to put scores on them, still loving, still hating. Here's…
I finished more video games in 2009 than in any other year of my life, according to a big list I've been keeping…