What freaks out an old-school gamer more, a Sonic kart-racer or a Mega Man with an easy mode? We have reviews of those games and more, plus two unoriginal movies, all subjected to our subjective blue-and-red judgments this week.
The Secret Armory of General Knoxx Micro-Review: Hot Coals Over a Cakewalk
In which Owen Good levels some difficulty level complaints.
The Crazies Movie Review: Left 4 Dead In a Small Town
In which Crecente celebrates the arrival of the thinking zombie.
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Review: Remaster System
In which McWhertor uses the word "Nintendoes."
Mega Man 10 Micro-Review: Capcom Had Mercy
In which I praised old-school jumping over trucks.
Toy Soldiers Micro-review: A Farewell To Arms?
In which Ashcraft feels like he is eight-years-old.
Match Defense Toy Soldiers Micro-Review: Finally, Mom Can Help
In which I tried to to take Portugal.
Alice In Wonderland Movie Review: A Bitter Underland
In which Fahey isn't angling for back-of-DVD blurbs with lines such as "It's the movie equivalent of Sonic & The Black Knight."