It was a week infested with zombies, Nazi zombies and micro-reviews, the smaller format reserved for Kotaku reviews of downloadable video games and downloadable game add-ons. It was also the week that featured our first massive-review.
That would have been Mike Fahey's review and four week long log of massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online, our first experiment with a new review format for games that are harder to judge in just a few days time. What do you think? Was it informative?
Get caught up on all our little reviews of big game expansions and at least three reviews that reek of the undead in this extended Kotaku review round up.
Link 'N Launch Micro-Review: How About 'Pikmin Rockets' Or 'Better Than Bioshock Hacking'?
In which Stephen Totilo finds the connection between a DSiWare game and Princess Zelda's venerable rescuer rather puzzling and un-Intelligent Systems.
Endless Ocean: Blue World Review: The Wii Game You're Wrong About
In which Stephen Totilo discovers a rare underwater lifeform, the scuba RPG.
Plants Vs. Zombies iPhone Micro-Review: Touch The Dead
In which I perform more lawn maintenance in a few hours on my iPhone than I've done in the last decade.
Across Age Micro-Review: Slam Evil
In which Mike Fahey travels through time and experiences a 16-bit world of bashcraft.
Resident Evil 5: Lost In Nightmares Micro-Review: Less Fighting, More Frightening
In which Stephen Totilo finds himself slaying zombies out of Africa and enjoying the svelteness of it all.
Assassin's Creed II: Bonfire Of The Vanities Micro-Review: Once More, With Fleeing
In which Luke Plunkett loves a cheap date but despises sequence breaking.
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom Micro-review: Snack Of The Clones
In which I count pie out to 51 places.
Call of Duty: World At War: Zombies Verrückt Micro-Review: Solo Fun
In which Brian Crecente goes mad for a chance to tap the walking dead back into oblivion.
Kaleidoscope Micro-Review: What a Colorful World
In which Owen Good restores color to yet one more world lacking it. Don't worry, he's frugal with his atta-boys.
Star Trek Online Review: A Piece Of The Action
In which Mike Fahey does not bogart Captain Cannibis of the U.S.S. Blunt's space, thereby keeping his mellow unharshed.