Crossovers happen in comics all the time, where characters stumble into worlds that look radically different and…
The World's Finest team-up that's been rumored and then teased in advertising for months finally gets announced as…
Rumors have been swirling about an expanded superhero cast in the follow-up to 2008's Lego Batman, with the Amazing…
A sequel to 2009's LEGO Batman has been known since the summer, around the time LEGO and DC Comics (and Marvel) were…
Within a minute of logging into my trial account at games-on-demand service The Happy Cloud I was playing the full…
Not interested in promoting vandalism we must nevertheless provide evidence of what, following that Resident Evil…
Ars Technica's ever-reliable Xbox mole has revealed that this year, like last year, the 360 will be bundled with a…
The Boston-based organization Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood has given the stink-eye to Warner Bros' LEGO…
So. Remember I was haggling with my boss the past two weeks for some awesome consumer electronics? Right, my dayjob…
The Village Voice's Chris Ward sat down to play Lego Batman for a review this week, and this happened:
Is everything really better when portrayed in tiny, blocky form? When Traveller's Tales first introduced us to the…
Announced during E3, Sony today released what's surely the last meaningful PS2 bundle, cobbled together to lead the…
Good afternoon everyone. Today is September 23rd and ya'll know what that means! LEGO Batman has finally hit store…
The Batpod won't be the only ride you'll be slaughtering Gotham's worst in. Behold the completely kick ass rides of…
If a lesser developer had had the success with the Lego Star Wars series that Traveller's Tales did, we'd be buried…
And the Warner Bros/Traveller's Tales/Lego marketing juggernaut rolls on! Not content with cashing in on the current…
Batman has been the subject of plenty of cartoons over the years. There have been cartoons based on the comics,…
The latest installment in the LEGO Thing franchise — LEGO Batman — could be heading to the iPhone, reports Pocket…
Where would Batman be without his trusted butler, Alfred Pennyworth? Dead a hundred times over I'd say. Alfred is…
UPDATE: Many GameStop employees have written to say that the metallic silver DS will be sold at their store. Some…