While the campaigns that shipped with Left 4 Dead were all pretty good, you do get sick of them after a while. Which…
Here's an excellent example of someone using the Left 4 Dead creation tools for their intended purpose -…
Thanks to the official Left 4 Dead blog, we now know the ESRB's rules for how many gnawed of human fingers one can…
I could be reading from the Nacogdoches phone book to you right now and you wouldn't care. You saw "nude zoey" and…
It's never too early to learn which post-apocalyptic infected are best to avoid, so give your kid a jump start on…
Valve's E3 announcement that Left 4 Dead 2 would hit this year, almost one year to the day after the original, has…
If you're a fan of, say, Francis, Left 4 Dead cosplay is a cinch. But Zoey can be a little harder, because her red…
Long before Left 4 Dead, High Voltage did four-player survival horror with the Hunter: The Reckoning series, and…
Zombie apocalypse survivor Francis hates everything—vans, woods, boomers, kittens, sunshine. Now, in yet another…
How has it taken this long for someone to finally send us a video of Left 4 Dead's survivors playing a…
Those wanting to build their own take on the zombie apocalypse are being well looked after today, with Valve…
In the video above, posted Wednesday, you see human controlled infected, plus 8 bots versus human survivors, playing…
What is it with gamer girls sewing gifts for their guys? Sounds like arts-and-crafts meets Stockholm syndrome.…
Valve sweetens the free 24-hour trial for the PC version of Left 4 Dead that kicked off today by dropping the…
Valve have implemented a great new feature within Left 4 Dead that, courtesy of Steam's obsession with cataloguing…
As of 00:01 GMT this Friday, Valve's spectacularly-popular zombie shooter Left 4 Dead will be made free to download…
Sidling up to the bar at a trendy club and explaining how one makes "Boomer Bile" would identify you first as…
If you plan on playing Left 4 Dead's new Survival mode, get a microphone. Communication, as already noted by Valve…
As promised, Valve's new "Survival Pack" expansion has been released for Left 4 Dead. Now that I've completed my…
Tonight, it's still April 20. But when you open up those sleepy eyes and greet April 21? Left 4 Dead's Survival Pack…