Square Enix is rebooting Tomb Raider, and wiping the slate clean means no more 1990s-style sexy game heroine…
There is a new Tomb Raider game. It's an origin game, a chance to reboot not only the series, but the way it's…
Tomb Raider is starting anew with the next grand Lara Croft adventure, revealed earlier today on the cover of Game…
My acting teacher taught me a variety of things, such as how to cry on command and sound really excited about floor…
The news today that the PlayStation 3 and Steam/PC versions of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will be out next…
Next time you're in Derby, England, you can drive the Lara Croft Way. The city's new road, named after the Tomb…
The Mayans were fierce warriors, so ... why not hand one an assault rifle? Or flamethrower? Or rocket launcher?…
The Tomb Raider film franchise is on the cusp of a reboot, putting a younger-than-Angelina-Jolie Lara Croft onscreen…
Not surprisingly, Square Enix announced today that developer Crystal Dynamics is at work on a new Tomb Raider game.…
Lara Croft took an off year in 2009. Is she making a gaming comeback in 2010?
Had a rough weekend? PS3 gettin' you down? It's OK. Prepare for the week ahead and unwind with this, a very girly…
Lucky her! Back in July, the city of Derby, UK asked for suggestions for new roads. After getting more than a…
The Tonner company makes finely-crafted dolls, including an already-released $125 Lara Croft doll. Next in their…
Lara Croft, star of the Tomb Raider franchise, might be getting her own street, Lara Croft Way, in the UK city of…
Once again, we have an amazing collection of artwork from The Design Inspiration to share with all of you. This…
Derby, the city in the United Kingdom, is said to be considering naming a road after Lara Croft, who was created at…
A site claiming to have a mole inside Eidos has published pictures purportedly of concept art and other collateral…
According to The Sun (yes, we know), mega star Angelina Jolie is peeved that Transformers actress Megan Fox is being…
San Francisco-based Crystal Dynamics again feels the lash of layoffs, as Eidos confirms with Kotaku that around…
It looks like Angelina Jolie's time as Lara Croft could be at an end, with the next Tomb Raider movie being an…