Kotaku Talk Radio. Recording live from CBS Radio on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Host: Me. Guests:…
Microsoft's Xbox Live hype man Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb will be the first repeat guest on our weekly podcast. On…
You can download our newest podcast today and hear a few firsts:
Kotaku Talk Radio is coming to you live RIGHT NOW, well maybe ten minutes, with special guest Marcus Segal, the…
Join us this Wednesday on Kotaku Talk Radio to discuss the week's video gaming news and chat with Marcus Segal, the…
Because of the overwhelming demand for access to upcoming racer Blur's multiplayer beta, the folks at Bizarre…
The outfit responsible for Project Gotham Racing and the forthcoming Blur joined us today to talk racin' with Kotaku…
"Right now we don't have any plans for Geometry Wars 3 or anything," said Bizarre Creations' Gareth Wilson during…
Kotaku Talk Radio is coming to you live RIGHT NOW with special guest Bizarre Creations' Gareth Wilson, a lead…
Join us later today on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat with two of Bizarre Creations lead designers about their upcoming…
Join us tomorrow on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat with Bizarre Creations about their upcoming racer Blur.
Would you like to hear a developer speak freely about making a sequel to a game that was panned? Red Steel 2's Jason…
Kotaku Talk Radio is coming to you live RIGHT NOW with special guest Ubisoft's Jason VandenBerghe, the creative…
Just in time for the release of Red Steel 2 comes this week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio with special guest…
Each week we record a live audio call-in show, modeled off of all those drive-time talk radio shows on the radio. We…
Dante's Inferno senior producer Hans ten Cate joined our hosts, Brian Crecente and Stephen Totilo, in today's…
Kotaku Talk Radio starts now with special guest Hans ten Cate, senior producer of Dante's Inferno. Call in! Ask…
We've heard that God of War III had a pretty involved postscript that had to be trimmed from the game. The game's…
God of War III director Stig Asmussen joined hosts Brian Crecente and Stephen Totilo on Kotaku Talk Radio today,…
Kotaku Talk Radio is coming to you live from the Game Developers Conferce today, where God of War III director Stig…