Time-warping? Gunplay? Raven Software? Sounds like Singularity to me. Give us a call for a chance to talk to the…
Jeff Poffenbarger (not pictured above) is going to talk some Singularity live on Kotaku Talk Radio a little later…
Our review of the Playstation 3's ModNation Racers won't be hitting for another hour or so, so why not take the…
Kotaku Talk Radio will be recording live on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Host: Me. Guests: Dan…
One of the creators of ModNation Racers, the next big PlayStation 3 exclusive, joins us for Kotaku Talk Radio this…
Kotaku Talk Radio will be recording live on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Host: Me. Guests: Matias…
Two of the top men at Rockstar Games join us live in-studio for today's Kotaku Talk Radio to talk all about the huge…
During our chat with Sid Meier earlier this week, fans couldn't help asking about classic games like Alpha Centauri…
During this week's broadcast of our Kotaku Talk Radio podcast, legendary game designer Sid Meier explains how the…
Kotaku Talk Radio will be recording live from CBS Radio on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Hosts:…
All Sid Meier ever did for video games was create Civilization. Oh, we think that merits a podcast red carpet! The…
With Crackdown 2 just months away, now might be a good time to get up to speed on everything about the upcoming…
Kotaku Talk Radio will be recording live from CBS Radio on Wednesday. 11am Kotaku Time. 1pm ET. 10am PT. Hosts:…
In just a few months you will be able to play Crackdown 2. In just two days, you will be able to call in to Kotaku…
During our weekly Kotaku Talk Radio podcast, Marvel's Chris Baker talked about the settings, stages, and fan…
Our latest podcast heroically takes to the internet, its team of downloadable links leading you directly towards an…
We know it's on your mind, so we managed to get Marvel's Chris Baker onto today's show to talk about comics and…
Join us tomorrow live on Kotaku Talk Radio to chat with Marvel's Chris Baker about the big Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 news…
No, not that Lost. Just lost. As in technical problems. As in the Kotaku Talk Radio featuring me, Major Nelson and a…
This week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio is now live, featuring none other than Major Nelson, the living embodiment…