Duke Nukem Forever was Twitter's No. 1 worldwide trending topic yesterday, over two global natural disasters. You'd…
This past week delivered major Microsoft news: The Kinect Beta began with updated dashboard software and new…
PS3 news again made a big splash at Europe's leading games expo - with Mass Effect 2 coming to the console, and a…
The rumor that Duke Nukem Forever might arrive at long last raises an interesting question. What thrills us more,…
Not many would consider a hole-in-the-wall shopfront in the middle of Chinatown, with missing letters on the sign…
This was a good week for a games launch. Straight in the middle of summer, when most have gone for vacation or are…
When I was a kid, summer meant saving up my paperboy money for two things: Fireworks and video games.
News that 1 vs. 100 wouldn't see a third season was hardly shocking. That doesn't mean it wasn't disappointing.
Blizzard may have shrugged off coordinated community discontent in the past, but this week, we weren't talking about…
To be told you paid money for a games console whose unseen components ended or ruined lives a world away is more…
The man's a gamer. Maybe not one of us - we don't run Electronic Arts after all - but this week's profile of EA…
The word "game" implies something with a winner. And the planet's biggest gathering of video games, and those who…
The week before E3 is always a gathering storm of rumor, hype, and anticipation. Friday, however, delivered…
The weeks before E3 see lots of speculation about what it will take for one of the big three to "win" this year's…
Two of the top men responsible for Microsoft's Xbox 360 strategy left the company this week, depicted as departing…
This week Ubisoft, publisher of Assassin's Creed and other top franchises, indicated it would join the trend of…
But, like this guy, not a dollar short. We still had plenty of news - LucasArts' power outage, Activision's…
Talk about cramming it all in at the end of the quarter. First the Modern Warfare team decided to sue Activision for…
A raft of news floating back from Capcom's event in the 50th State dominated the week, but don't forget StarCraft II,…
Few stories can overwhelm a major game reveal like Gears of War 3, but the disintegration of the studio that pumped…