The PlayStation 3 was released in 2006. Sony has famously said the console will have a ten year console life. By…
The people who make the PlayStation have received their share of flak for creating systems that were tougher to make…
Nintendo caused quite a stir at the E3 gaming expo with its glasses-free Nintendo 3DS. In an interview with Japan's…
Last week, Sony provided more details about its plan to make the PlayStation Network an all-encompassing online…
Since the console launched in 2006 until the official announcement of the new, slimmer machine, the PS3 has been…
The hardware business is not a profitable business. Don't believe us, just ask Sony.
Sony's motion controller has neither a name nor a finalised form. Which means, yeah, it's still a work in progress.…
Current Chairman and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, Kaz Hirai, will be giving the keynote at this year's Tokyo…
Sony CEO Howard Stringer and his underlings have been teasing an expanded, product line-wide PlayStation Network for…
The Sony Board of Directors have approved 15 directors, including American Howard Stringer. Besides acting as…
You can usually count on a PlayStation 3 to be a slick, dependable piece of hardware. PlayStation executives...less…
Time has passed, and it's time to look back. Does Sony Computer Entertainment honcho Kaz Hirai have any regrets?
Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai is on a mission. A mission to make money for Sony's PlayStation division.
Major changes are going down at Sony. President Ryoji Chubachi is stepping down, and Sony CEO Howard Stringer will…
At E3 2006, Sony brass Kaz Hirai showed F1 Championship Edition running off a PSP as a rearview mirror that could be…
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please. Why don't we stop all this console manufacturer bickering and make peace? Wedbush…
We saw some fairly conclusive evidence last night that Kaz Hirai needs a good lie down. Today, though, we got some mo…
It's 2006 all over again! Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai smacktalks the Xbox 360, but not the Nintendo…
Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai had some fresh PlayStation data for the CES crowd today. Probably most…
When Kaz Hirai took over Sony Computer Entertainment, the company's outlook changed. The previous head, PlayStation…