The developers behind The Conduit and the recently re-announced Tournament of Legends will break their Wii…
Yeah? Then High Voltage Software's Tournament of Legends, coming exclusively to the Wii this May, will give you all…
High Voltage, the developers behind the Wii-exclusive first-person shooter The Conduit, have signed up for a…
In Sega's The Conduit, you play as a pawn in a vast conspiracy involving aliens, shadowy government agencies, and…
Looks pretty damn good for a Wii title, doesn't it? High Voltage seems to be positioning themselves as the premeir…
Long before Left 4 Dead, High Voltage did four-player survival horror with the Hunter: The Reckoning series, and…
With The Conduit as good as released, High Voltage Software plans to use this year's E3 to reveal their all-new…
I wish I could say there were a whole bunch of amazing first-person experiences to compare it to on Nintendo's…
The Conduit's contribution to the Wii library is exciting. It's easy on the eyes, seems like a smart publishing…
When Yuke's Company of America releases screenshots, they release a hell of a lot of screenshots. They've unleashed…
At last check, High Voltage Software's sharp-looking Wii game The Conduit was homeless, without a publisher to give…
All you southpaw gamers out there should rejoice... and then get to controller mapping, the developers behind The…
The fact developer High Voltage Software has yet to find a publisher for The Conduit, which is the FPS Wii-exclusive…
"Deathmatch Authorized," ... "About damn time." Is that a message? Maybe someone's getting a little impatient?