Last year, as you might recall, Konami and their son Hideo Kojima got into a spat. Konami barred Kojima from…
In 2009, a team of fans released an English translation for cult Hideo Kojima joint Policenauts, which was never…
During the Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima was asked about Metal Gear Survive. He wasn’t rude per se, but honest.…
Konami is making a new Metal Gear. It’s called Metal Gear Survive and has zombies in it. This weekend at the Tokyo…
Hideo Kojima hasn’t talked much about the actual gameplay in his upcoming title Death Stranding. Today in Tokyo, he…
Dawn of the Devs is a new Kickstarter project by Underdog Studios all about making game designers the heroes. The…
Hideo Kojima has joined the advisory board of VR firm Prologue Immersive, which was co-founded by longtime Kojima collaborator Kyle Cooper.
That whale came from the moon. Before any Kojima Productions video game starts, the studio logo movie must play.…
If you hadn’t already figured that this week’s ‘Shop Contest would somehow involve naked Norman Reedus from Hideo…
If you viewed the bizarre teaser for Death Stranding and immediately thought, “what the hell did I just watch,” the…
Hideo Kojima just walked on stage at Sony’s E3 press conference to show off his new studio’s first project.
The debut game from Kojima Productions won’t be coming any time soon. While the studio will be using third party…
Yesterday, Konami revealed Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater for pachinko slot machines. Today, people are…
For the longest time, there’s been a gag that Konami was going to turn Metal Gear Solid into a pachinko machine,…
The helmeted skull logo of Kojima Productions may have an official body now, but the unofficial ones created by our…
The Fox Engine, which powered Metal Gear Solid V, was impressive. But it seemingly took forever to make, which means …
Hideo Kojima showed off the full body for his studio’s logo, which he previously described as “very cool.” He was…
You’ve seen this, no? It’s the new Kojima Productions logo (above), which was first shown last December and which…
Late last year, Hideo Kojima set up his new studio and started work on a brand new title. In a recent Famitsu…