Don’t know what’s going on in the new trailer for Death Stranding? No worries: neither does Mads Mikkelsen, and he’s starring in it.
In an interview with Birth.Movies.Death, Mikkelsen told the outlet that he only joined the project after checking out the first trailer with Norman Reedus. “I thought that was spectacular just from the standpoint of an actor,” he said. “The emotion, the feeling of it, the sensuality in what he does. Without even being a gamer, I was like, this is crazy, what he’s doing. I loved it.”
He also noted that not only did he not really know who Kojima was, but that he really does not know what’s going to be happening in the game’s plot, despite having it explained to him, saying, “I mean, you know (Kojima). He’s a very brilliant man. I mean ... the stuff he told me? I only understood some of it. … I have to see it before I understand.”
You and me both, Mads! That’s something you’ve got in common with most of the human population. Despite not being a gamer himself, gamers may also relate to Mikkelsen’s very specific reason for loving zombies:
What’s your favorite zombie thing?
I do love watching Walking Dead. I do. There’s something so fascinating, where (Mads is getting very excited) when the zombies are moving sufficiently slowly, you actually want to live in that world, you know?
Really? Why?
Because you can just fucking chop the shit out of them!