Lovers of Halo (or of art in the most traditional sense) should dig these images from artist Eddie Smith, who over…
The latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine UK says that 343 Industries, maker of last year's Halo: Combat Evolved…
How many different Master Chief figures can McFarlane Toys make? Oh they're just getting started. The company…

With excellent sniping spots and what amounts to a vehicular combat arena at the bottom, Halo 2's "Headlong"…
Action figures normally aren't funny, but McFarlane's Halo Anniversary piece is good for a chuckle. Better still,…
There aren't many things that marijuana users say weed can't make better. Take this guy I used to know. His name was…
With the ten year anniversary of the release of the original Xbox shooter Halo looming, Titan Books is preparing to…

This is veteran actor Jeff Steitzer. He's done Broadway. Law & Order. Oh, and if you've ever played Halo, chances…
Gaming has characters with memorable personalities. But Master Chief, the protagonist of the Halo series, is a…

Super Mario Bros.? Check. Portal? Check. What's next for Minecraft? Halo, inevitably. Here's "Halocraft," a PvP…
It seems like an age ago, but the whole WikiLeaks furore kicked off earlier this year with footage of American…

Color me surprised, especially since I played through the game twice and didn't notice him, but the Master Chief…
He is Apache N4SIR. Nearly a month after Microsoft shut down the original Xbox Live, he was one of the Noble 14 who…
Despite the "death" of the original Xbox Live, a small band of fanatics are keeping the dream alive by leaving their…
Microsoft sent Halo: Reach beta codes to the last dozen still playing Halo 2 more than two weeks after multiplayer…
Lots of people continued playing Halo 2 past the midnight deadline Microsoft gave 12 days ago for discontinuing…
Not with flowers, but with cake. As seen on Major Nelson's Twitter.
The original Xbox Live service was supposed to have been shut down at midnight. But midnight has now passed, and the…
It's the last day to play Halo 2 on Xbox Live, and Bungie is taking the opportunity to deliver long-time players…