Take one part bike, one part Guitar Hero, and, I don't know, like a million parts time-on-your-hands, and what do…
Although you might expect music based games like Guitar Hero to appeal to visually impaired gamers, they do tend…
Having Jimi Hendrix DLC in the latest Guitar Hero is a big selling-point! Pity for Wii owners, then, that you won't…
When Guitar Hero III was released in 2007, it sold 1.39 million copies across the various platforms in its first…
Guitar Hero, the arcade game? According to rumors, an arcade version is incoming from developer Raw Thrills and…
When you're a "culture warrior" and you're pissed off by something sexy on the TV, what do you do? Why show it…
The release of yesterday's top ten best selling software in the U.S. was curiously absent of any rhythm game…
If you own both Guitar Hero (III or World Tour) and Rock Band (1 or 2), you'll be both familiar and ultimately sick…
Never let it be said SafeAuto, providers of automobile insurance to the American south since 1993, don't know…
Take a look at this craigslist ad. It's looking for testers for a "music-based videogame". One from a "Major…
Sort of. Tucked in a long how-the-campaign-was-won feature in The New Yorker is this little tidbit about President…
Rolling Stone's list of The 50 Best Rock & Roll Video Games of all time starts off well enough, but as you can see…
It looks like at least one company is doing well during this financially harsh times. Activision today announced…
Guitar Hero publisher Activision doesn't just want you to buy more Guitar Hero games and download more Guitar Hero…
Anyone watching last night's Monday Night Football likely caught a glimpse of Heidi Klum's underthings as she…
Activision boss Bobby "What, Me Worry?" Kotick has a well-established routine for dealing with record labels. When…
In fairness, this could be said of most 72-year-olds, not just that one. But yeah, it rather captures the image…
Yes, yes, I know many of you sent in tips about Stan Bush's destined for Guitar Hero or Rock Band hit "The Touch"…
You may have noticed already, but one of the fiercest divides in gaming today is in the music game genre. It's Rock…