There are five races in Guild Wars 2, but up until now we've only been able to play as three - the humans, the cat…
It's going to be the future soon for denizens of Tyria, as ArenaNet reveals an August 28 release date for the…
This weekend, after the E3 smoke clears, ArenaNet helps players and press wind down with the next Guild Wars 2 beta…
While pouring over Starfleet Dental's comprehensive guide to the races of Guild Wars 2, it helps to keep in mind…
Every day millions of gamers log into online role-playing games and embark on continent-spanning adventure. Inspired…
Kotaku has obtained this photo of an advertisement for Guild Wars 2, seen at a Fry's retailer in Texas.
We all have our personal gaming quirks. I, for example, have a habit of leaping into any new game as a thief, rogue,…
Players that have preordered pre-purchased (different thing) Guild Wars 2 for guaranteed access to the beta will be…
YouTube artist and Guild Wars 2 fan MattVisual takes a stab at World of Warcraft in his Get a Mac parody "Guild…
Perhaps a mere picture of the Guild Wars 2 collector's edition wasn't enough for you. Perhaps early access and…
I thought I'd gone pretty deep into the Guild Wars 2 character creation tools during my time playing the beta.…
As I mentioned in my questions and answers post, I'm not allowed to share my own screenshots of the Guild Wars 2…
Last month I shared what I learned during the first Guild Wars 2 press beta weekend. Now the student becomes the…
Another round of Guild Wars 2 beta testing begins soon, and this time I around am arming myself with your questions…
Fans clamoring for a chance to put down money on ArenaNet's massively multiplayer sequel get their chance on April…
When I asked you folks to suggest games for me to test out the Razer Blade, Guild Wars 2's name came up an awful…
According to the Guild Wars 2 Twitter account, you have 48 hours to sign up for a chance to beta test this year's…
After spending the weekend playing Guild Wars 2 with select members of the press, I felt I had gather enough…
Once I finished recording the voice over character creation video for my Guild Wars 2 beta article that ran this…
To celebrate the successful press beta weekend for Guild Wars 2, the nice folks at ArenaNet gathered us all…