While we don't yet have a release date for the Gears 2 patch Chocolate Rein promised the other day, we do have a…
Believe it or not, you can play games with other people. Like people in the same room as you.
That's Gears of War 2 Flashback Map Pack is now available on Xbox LIVE Markeplace. Remember that? The five maps are…
We loved Gears of War 2. Nearly gave it our game of the year award! But one thing we don't like is that, for some…
While NECA's first lines of Gears of War figures lagged badly behind the release of the original game, their third…
Famed Playstation developer David Jaffe may seem like an odd choice for guest developer for our in-game podcast…
Forgive us if we went a little overboard, or maybe underboard, with this first Holiday podcast. It started out with…
So Gears of War 2 won’t be released in Japan, eh? Rubbish. Not only are imported copies already available in the…
Gears of War 2, for all its single-player improvements, has multiplayer problems. That patches don't seem to fix.…
I have yet to actually try this myself, but if you shoot three hidden cowboy hats consecutively with your pistol in…
Here's a set of screens of the newly announced and released Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack for those of you…
No marketing, no fuss. Just the way we like it, as Epic have decided the Spike VGAs were as good a time as any to…
So, Spike TV was screening its rehearsals. Someone (not us) saw it and says tonight's big news for Gears 2 is a bit…
Yeah, we've really shown the Totilo love round here, but he accepted Soulja Boy's month-old call-out to face him…
Epic Games' Gears of War sequel is in no danger of being branded a dud huge, as the Xbox 360 exclusive has already…
While that Gears of War 2 remote control Centaur Tank might looks good in blurry newspaper scans — that's about it,…
Midway's Wheelman creative director Simon Woodroffe offered up some details about the company's future lineup of…
Bit of Gears 2 marketing going down (or up) in New York City this weekend. Namely, some building-sized Gears of War…