Day three of E3's clip round up has a lot more gameplay and a lot less hardware to drool over; but you can still get…
The onset of June should be greeted a little more warmly than usual this year, as Sony have announced that both Fat…
Hateful toward the portly and excessively violent though it may be, PlayStation Network exclusive real-time strategy…
Fat Princess developer Titan has developed a rather novel process for selecting 250 beta testers for the…
Titan Studios' PlayStation 3 game Fat Princess has already riled up the more sensitive of the internet's residents…
Next week's Game Developers Conference is going to be packed with hands-on, presentations and even a little news.
Sony may be planning at least one more PSP to PlayStation 2 port, if a Q1 European release list is accurate. Do you…
It's the diversity that nails it. It's not just brawling; it's the base-building and strategy, the subtle blending…
Among the other PSN titles I got to check out this week was Fat Princess. Games such as this should be covered with…
Epic Games China has acquired the team behind upcoming Playstation 3 downloadable Fat Princess and created a new…
Fat Princess wowed us! Then it pissed some internet people off! Then it went back to wowing us! And now it's back to…
Click to view That Fat Princess controversy is hitting mainstream news, apparently. Fox News has taken note, too.…
Perhaps it would have been naive to assume that Sony's Fat Princess could have surfaced without stirring…
Bloggers are angry! Feminist bloggers! They're not up in arms about the unrealistic physical proportions of digital…
It's not often a product description like this comes along, so I'm going to let it speak for itself: