There used to be two main ways to take outposts in Far Cry: sneaking around and stabbing everyone inside, or going…
If I had to sum up people's reaction to Far Cry 4 in a single sentence, it would have to be: "Fuck these birds."
No, not guts. That's not a typo. This guy constructed an entire Far Cry 4 level—and an elaborate one, at that—for…
I want to write a letter to all the animals I've met in Far Cry 4.
If your copy of Far Cry 4 on PC doesn't have FOV (Field Of View) options, and you complained about this on a forum,…
Far Cry 4 is the kind of game that's deeply in love with its loot. It wants you, the player, to love its loot too.…
See, it's funny because Far Cry 3 was set in a tropical fantasy land called "Rook Island." As far as I can tell,…
You may not know this, but badgers are the worst. Combine that fundamental truth, with the randomness of Far Cry 4,…
There is a lot of stuff to shoot in Far Cry 4. A lot. Dudes, cars, merciless soul-eating badgers, rhinos, flying…
Far Cry 4 is the kind of game that lets you make a lot of mistakes. The first night I started playing, I walked into…
And it'll only take you 15 minutes to unlock.
There are certain games that just feel like they're meant to be played on a PC. Far Cry has always been one of those…
I responded to last week's news about a new pre-order-"exclusive" yak-related mission for Far Cry 4 with a…
I saw this at a local department store on the weekend, and teared up, just a little. Not at the price - that's a…
One thing I'm looking forward to about Far Cry 4 is the game's interesting-sounding co-op multiplayer. Sony, which…
How is this new Far Cry 4 trailer different from all other Far Cry 4 trailers? No, it's not the guns. Or the…
Nowhere in video games is the phrase "evolution, not revolution" more apt than in first-person shooters. As proof, I…
The latest trailer for Far Cry 4 focuses on elephants crushing, trampling, and hurling enemies aside. Also, being…
The Far Cry 4 booth at PAX includes octagon, honey badger, and a leopard costumes for battle.
A snow-capped Himalayan mountain? Yeah, sure, I figured we'd get there eventually. The mythical spirit realm of Shang…