Well aren't you an adorable little nightmare-blob? Yes you are!
Best to start them early. Redditor Pypok and his wife needed a theme for their son's nursery, and Pypok suggested space (by way of Kerbal Space Program). Turned out rather well, I'd say—perfect for a future space explorer. There are some in-progress photos in the embedded Imgur album below. Read more
Tettix first showed off his massive illustration of Dark Souls' Lordran at the end of January, when it was still a…
Yhrite's latest Source Filmmaker creation crosses Team Fortress 2 and Hotline Miami—timely, considering Hotline Miami 2 came out last week. You can find lots more SFM art over at Yhrite's DeviantArt gallery. Read more
"This is what I think Wind Waker would look like on the SNES," writes gilamasan, the guy behind this piece of Zelda fanart. "I imagined the sailing would be done with Mode 7 graphics like in Super Mario Kart and F-Zero." Looks about right to me. Head over here to see more of gilamasan's artwork. Read more
Shovel Knight in Smash? Maybe someday. The eponymous hero of Shovel Knight was drawn by DeviantArt's hextupleyoodot, AKA Artsy Omni, the guy behind the Rayman "leak," as part of his Smashified series. You can find more of his art in his DeviantArt gallery here. Read more
DeviantArt's biggreenpepper re-imagines some of Dota 2's cast as mob bosses, made men, and just criminals in general—and it works surprisingly well, even with the whole coming in all shapes and sizes and colors thing. Full-size pic below. Read more
We've already seen Mario without his moustache. But via 2ch, let's see that again. And minus the hat. And while…
Internet Explorer looks shy, which makes sense if you think about all the rejection he has to face everyday. Poor…
Scar from The Lion King is one dapper gentleman in Hyung86's Disney University fanart series. In-universe, he teaches political science, and is a fan of classical music, English literature, and... Jeremy Irons films. Of course. Look below for Professor Scar in his full glory, and over here for more from Hyung86. Read more
With Naughty Dog occupied withUncharted 4 and folks clamoring for more The Last Of Us, Deviant Artist Floordan has…
Everyone's favorite video game worm—and his buddy Snott—might look realistic in concept artist Soren Zaragoza's…
Strange, yet lovely Animal Crossing art from a Japenese Pixiv user, who transformed a screenshot of 3DS game into…
It's been nearly two decades since the original PlayStation console debuted in Japan, and that calls for a…
The purple poisonous Weezing with its connected heads isn't the nicest looking Pokémon out there, but JRCoffron's…
Artist Seungjin Woo's redesign of Iron Man is rather large and getting into it might require a bit more coordination…
Some Pokémon items, like Pokeballs, are obviously man-made. But some items obviously come from Pokémon—and it's…
Now that's an unexpected combination. And if the drawings weren't enough, artist Brandon Dayton added new pun names…
I'd trade my Squirtle for these. Artist Juan Arrabal "Dragolisco" Hernández has some really cool re-imagined Pokémon. Read more
I can totally imagine this scene: a seagull—voiced by Morgan Freeman—gives life-changing advices to a…