While Fallout 76 isn’t officially out until next week, there’s already a small but growing modding community for the…
While Fallout 76 isn’t officially out until next week, there’s already a small but growing modding community for the…
Bethesda’s open world MMO Fallout 76 is currently in beta on console and PC for those who pre-ordered the game.…
So the faster your framerate, the faster you move. Which is fine, whatever in a singleplayer game like Bethesda are…
The Fallout 76 beta starts on PC tonight, but an 11th hour bug in Bethesda’s launcher has had unusually severe…
At DragonCon earlier this year, there were enough Fallout cosplayers around for photographer So Say We All to run a…
There’s a lot of tension in Fallout 76 between the series’ solitary past and its new multiplayer future. During my…
We’re streaming the Fallout 76 beta right now on Twitch. Come join the chat for country roads, glitches, and good times.
Fallout: New California, an enormously ambitious mod for Fallout: New Vegas, is now out, finished and ready to play.
Late yesterday, Bethesda published a letter to its fans that appeared to be an attempt to set their expectations for…
LEGOParadise has built this replica of Fallout 76's Pip-Boy 2000 MK VI, which looks just like the “real” thing, even…
Fallout 2 released on this day 20 years ago, so we thought it would be fun to relive the opening dungeon of the game…
A group of modders decided to try and remake Fallout: New Vegas inside Fallout 4, but soon, they found themselves in…
QuakeCon 2018 hosted a Fallout 76 panel today, and it was chock full of tidbits of information about the upcoming…
All of Bethesda’s previous Fallout games have been available to buy on Steam, but that looks like it’s changing for…
I was sick this week and decided to play Fallout 4 to relax. I’m not 100% on board with Fallout 4—I find its…
T Ronix has managed to complete Fallout: New Vegas—and the game’s DLC—without taking a single hit, all the while…
A casual playthrough of a Fallout game can take dozens or even hundreds of hours of wandering through wide…
There are self-imposed challenges, and then there’s gleeful masochism. This Fallout: New Vegas run looks like the…
Cities: Skylines is an excellent tool for doing basically anything at this point, and intrepid YouTuber Crumbs McGee…