Of all the things Fallout 76 has got wrong, a switcheroo on a collector’s edition bag has proved to be one of the…

Fallout 76’s launch has been plagued with problems. The game is buggy, despite two meaty patches so far, with another…
Bethesda has banned a group of Fallout 76 players for life after they launched a homophobic attack on others in the…
$200 Fallout 76 Edition Promised Fancy Bag, Delivers Nylon Trash Instead [Update: Bethesda Responds]
The $200 Power Armor edition of Fallout 76 promised fans a load of stuff, including what looked like a very nice…
Fallout 76 is filled with intriguing ideas, set amid an appealing post-apocalyptic sprawl ripe for exploration. It’s…
Fallout 76 is getting another big patch on December 4 that will begin trying to fix some of the game’s bigger…

In the week since Fallout 76's release, it since has become one of 2018’s more divisive games. Its Metacritic page…

Things have been a little grim for Fallout 76 since (and even before) launch, so some fans are trying to make their…

Fallout 76's post-apocalyptic West Virginia is a mean place with few friends. Instead of getting your face chewed…
There’s a place in the Western part of Fallout 76’s Appalachia where the cargo drones like to gather. If you stand…

Take me hooooome! Paul and I are streaming Fallout 76 right now on Twitch. Join us for power armor, power glitches, and Mothmans.
Fallout 76's latest patch is now live. Bethesda had said it would be one of the game’s bigger ones, and at 47 GB on…

Fallout 76 is an online survival role-playing game that tasks you with exploring a map four times the size of Fallou…
When did the Brotherhood of Steel first show up in West Virginia? What’s the real origin of Fallout’s big green…

What would a Fallout game be without Power Armor? A total bummer. Thankfully, there’s a ton of Power Armor lying…

Even though Fallout 76 takes place in a world where the bombs have already dropped, the game is littered with silos…
Fallout 76 is out today, three years after the last game in the series, Fallout 4. Unlike its predecessor it’s not a…
This morning, news headlines and YouTube videos across the internet declared that Bethesda will not change engines…
Fallout 76 players are running out of room in their inventories, and the game’s not even out yet. Fortunately,…