Two people filed suit in federal court against Electronic Arts back in October, alleging the SecuROM digital rights…
With game publishers getting blasted over strict digital rights management solutions in their PC titles left and…
Oh dear. This is pretty much the exact opposite of a slam dunk. A number of people who bought copies of NBA 2K9 in…
Will Wright attended the Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards ceremony at the Hearst Tower in New York City last…
Rob Pardo, executive vice president of game design at Blizzard says that the company has "no particular plans" to…
When Stardock unveiled the PC Gamer's Bill of Rights back in August, it seemed like a cute little publicity stunt,…
For a while there, the whole SecuROM thing overshadowed the actual release of Spore. Which when you consider how…
There's an interesting article over at The Escapist on the rights of players in virtual worlds — covering a myriad…
With all of the furor whipped up in the wake of Spore's restrictive digital rights management system, DRM is a…
Chris Remo, in an op-ed on Penny Arcade, takes on the righteous indignation heaped on publishers — notably EA — over…
When Spore owners were silenced by forum moderation staff for posting one too many SecuROM/DRM complaints on the…
Whenever you find large numbers of unhappy people, you're bound to find a lawyer. In this case it's Alan Himmelfarb…
If you download a movie from the PlayStation video store, make sure you don't delete it. A user on the Ars Technica…
Electronic Arts have sent us a statement regarding their roundly-criticized Spore DRM policy. In it, EA Games Label…
And EA's DRM back-tracking continues! First it was the number of times you could install Spore, now they've…
Click to view Spore's digital rights management and copy protection has gotten a lot of people up in arms. The…
To many PC gamers, Spore's most gruesome creation has been its digital rights management and copy protection…
We know that Amazon users do not take kindly to Spore's DRM measures. Seems Spore users don't either. GameCulture…
And the Spore/DRM issues just. Get. Worse. Despite the game's manual shipping with the promise that you can set up…
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a Streisand Effect, but in the case of Spore, the stimulus and the response are…