In DmC, the new reboot of Capcom's Devil May Cry series, hero character Dante is the offspring of an angel mother…
Some guy from Kotaku just reviewed DmC for the New York Times. The review is mostly about the game's villains.
Insert obligatory opening sentence about how some people are upset about how DmC is easier than its predecessors.…
The Obama administration has a lot of important things to do. Weighed against acts of governing the world's sole…
If you're a console-owning hack 'n slash 'n juggle fan, you've probably already got Ninja Theory's DmC on Xbox 360…
Not everyone is pleased with Ninja Theory's take on the new Dante. That hair, that demeanor, that easy gameplay?…
Capcom's downloadable content policy? Not super-great. Capcom's policy of remembering January exists and actually…
Game developer Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games and recent Bayonetta fame will field just about any question on…
I've been enjoying DmC: Devil May Cry, Ninja Theory's reboot of Capcom's violent, venerable dude-juggling series. E…
Not everyone is a fan of Ninja Theory's new take on Devil May Cry's cocksure antihero Dante. In fact, many longtime…
New Coke lives on only as a joke. But, imagine if you will, a reality where that reworking of the ubiquitous soft…
Evil is everywhere—in the soda, under the ground and in the banks—in this new DmC trailer.
Vergil, Dante's twin brother in the Devil May Cry continuity, returns as a playable character in next year's DmC:…
Remember Devil May Cry 3?
After what seems like an eternity on the horizon, Ninja Theory's Devil May Cry reboot is almost with us. To help…
This isn't the Son of Sparda at his wise-cracking, sword-swinging best. Instead, Steve Darling's teaser clip for…
Today, Sony held the "World Game Project" in Akihabara, in which the electronics giant showed off twenty PS3 and PS…
Some might say it's a little strange to announce downloadable content before your game is out. Some might call it…
The look of Devil May Cry is iconic. That probably explains why the latest game, DmC, with its new visual flair, is…
Ninja Theory isn't handling the PC edition of DMC. Polish studio QLOC is, and it'll be out after the console versions.