Saints Row and Red Faction publisher THQ is cutting jobs, studios and games in a major way today, "strategically…
Noting the string of studio closures lately, the chief of European operations for Epic Games says there's a pretty…
The New York City-based developer of Homefront, Kaos Studios, has been shut down, according to a source close to the…
Scuttlebutt has it that the Sony Computer Entertainment studio Zipper Interactive, maker of combat shooters MAG and…
Yesterday's rumors have proven true, as Sony Online Entertainment confirms 205 cut positions, the closure of three…
The makers of Tron: Evolution and Turok are no more. Disney confirmed the (not too surprising) closure of…
Bizarre Creations isn't the only video game developer dealing with hard times right now. Two more developers appear…
Namco Bandai America yesterday let go around 90 staff, in a move that doesn't just cut costs at the U.S. branch of…
The holiday hits keep coming. IO Interactive, the Danish studio behind Hitman and Kane & Lynch, let go about 30…
EA has issued its latest round off layoffs today, describing them as "season roll-offs," which sounds much more…
Wardevil was one of the first current-generation games to ever be shown off. That was back in 2005. Back when it…
Krome Studios, the Australian developer behind Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and more recently the Xbox 360's Game Room,…
Disney's upcoming action role-playing game Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned has been canned and that…
The developer behind Singularity, Wolfenstein and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance was hit with layoffs today, according…
Star Wars game developer LucasArts has confirmed to Kotaku that it's making cutbacks at its internal studios today.…
Kotaku has learned that the expected job cuts at Lucasarts will be taking place today, with up to 30% of the…
Thirty-eight people were laid off today from Red Storm Entertainment, the Ubisoft-owned studio co-founded by Tom…
After cutting 60 jobs last week, U.K.-based studio Realtime Worlds, the maker of the cops-and-robbers MMO APB,…
New Lucasarts president Paul Meegan certainly isn't wasting any time. Barely two months into the job and we hear…
n-Space, the video game studio responsible for creating some of the smaller versions of the industry's biggest…