This fall the Xbox 360 gets a sexy new dashboard update, giving the service a look and feel that should be…
The November-scheduled Xbox 360 dashboard update doesn't just bring Facebook, Twitter and Last.FM to Microsoft's…
Move over Madden. There's a new football game on my Xbox 360. And it stars Avatars. Oh, and I don't know how it got…
In case you missed them earlier today, our own Stephen Totilo spent some time with the preview for the next Xbox 360
I, with my 955kbps downstream Internet connection, reported earlier today that the November-scheduled offering of…
The final part of our Xbox 360 November dashboard update saves the best for last, without intending the pun.…
Instant streaming in 1080p? Microsoft did warn that its new Zune video marketplace might not allow for streaming…
Microsoft provided Kotaku with an early version of the November Xbox 360 dashboard update. I just tested Twitter…
The next Xbox Live update will deliver Facebook, Twitter and, but, Ron Popeil style, wait, there's more!…
The ability to watch movies as a group online using Netflix and avatars is not supported by all of the movies on…
Avatars, long the ignored, under-dressed face of the Xbox 360, are getting an overhaul. But it will cost you. New…
The update to Xbox 360's Netflix, which came as a separate download, deals with many of the issues that the…
This morning Microsoft sent the much-anticipated Xbox 360 dashboard update to a group of game writers to check out…
Xbox LIVE GM Marc Whitten followed-up Microsoft's E3 press conference with a letter posted over at Larry Hryb's…
E3 2008 is less than a week away, and come Monday morning the internets will be buzzing with the latest news from…