Champions Online executive producer Bill Roper walks us through creating a character in Cryptic's upcoming…
Last night, Cryptic Studios held an event that was all about the player versus player combat in its upcoming…
Strategy Informer reports on an event taking place over in the UK today, where Cryptic Executive Producer Bill…
Following the official announcement of Paramount's Star Trek D-A-C yesterday, Cryptic sent us a trio of exclusive…
One of the big problems with City of Heroes has always been the inability to make a convincing Spider-Man clone.…
Champions Online developer Cryptic Studios has admitted to sending representatives into NCsoft's City of Heroes in…
Developer Cryptic Studios shows it's not afraid to get its feet wet, with the introduction of Lemuria, a deadly…
Cute Vulcan? Adorable Andorian? Foxy Ferengi? Apparently, one can create whatever wrinkly-nosed race one can come up…
Cryptic Studios has recently released a batch of new Star Trek Online screens. Here they are, you can look at them.
Cryptic Studios makes a game out of the vast character customization options in their upcoming superhero MMO…
It's probably the surprise story of the week: broke-ass Atari rolling the dice and buying City of Heroes developer…
You keep on with that resurging, Atari! It's just been announced that the once-beleaguered publisher have bought MMO…
A eagle-eyed reader has spotted an ad on Craigslist for a PS3 Engine Programmer. Nothing particularly unusual in…
Cryptic Studios hired Bill Roper, former Director of Blizzard Entertainment and co-founder of Flagship Studios , as…
Cryptic Studios' latest installment of Ask Cryptic on the Star Trek Online website neatly puts to rest one of my…
Pow! Thwack! Other cliched superhero noises that may not have anything to do with this game! Champions Online is…
Star Trek Online looks great and all, but is it customizable? Is it, is it? Developer Cryptic answers away: It's…
There's about 15 hours left on a clock at Cryptic Studios' homepage, but an advertisement in the Game Career…
City of Heroes developer Cryptic Studios have found a publisher for their next superhero MMO, Champions Online -…