Brütal Legend is much more than an action game with sharp writing and a heavy metal soundtrack.
In February, Go Nintendo reported that Brutal Legend was coming to the Wii. Since it looked like leaked retailer…
Here are the ingredients to a successful GDC panel: visually entertaining slides, more than one trailer,…
I can't yet write about what we were shown at Double Fine's San Francisco studio earlier this week, but I did get…
A Go Nintendo reader - from the retail sector by the looks of it, given the breadth of tips - has come forward with…
Activision may not be giving up Brütal Legend to EA without a fight—or at least a payout. Activision, which abandoned…
The fate of Double Fine Productions' Brütal Legend has been in doubt before, but without the success of Harmonix and…
Due out this fall on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, everything I've seen about Double Fine's Brutal Legend just…
The Brutal Art of Brutal Legend and rendering techniques of Killzone 2 will both be making an appearance at the…
Surprisingly flat performance by Jack Black aside, this trailer should do little to stop metal/Double Fine fans from…
Valkyries in thong bikinis with electric guitars descend from on high to herald the announcement that Tim Schafer's…
We haven't done a Kotaku Stalku in ages. That makes us think, hey, we should do one! Good thing reader Jaime sent us…
What we did know: Jack Black is in Brutal Legend, and Jack Black will be hosting the Spike VGAs. So Brutal Legend…
Most games left homeless from the Activision-Vivendi merger have now found new homes. Indeed, the only high-profile…
Psychonauts developers Double Fine Productions did not release Brütal Legend last month (yes, we really need to…
We still don't know the fate of Double Fine Productions' Brütal Legend. After being abandoned by publisher Sierra…
Rumor has it that the much anticipated, Jack Black-backed, ride-out-of hell, rock-and-roll action extravaganza...…
So we know that Double Fine's musical epic Brutal Legend is fine, because Tim Schafer told us so. We also know that…
Brutal Legend was one of the titles that didn't make the Activision Blizzard cut. But developer Double Fine's Tim…