Fans of Brutal Legend gathered in England over the weekend to rock out with EA, shattering the world record for the…
There once was a time that Black Sabbath legend Ronnie James Dio was included amongst the list of guest stars…
This year's annual E3 Expo gathering of video game developers, publishers and players brought with it an…
Double Fine's metal epic Brütal Legend coming this "Rocktober," legal system willing, two painfully long years after…
Jimmy Fallon sent Sudeikis to E3 this year to cover the conference and, apparently, pitch his idea for a new game…
Activision's none too pleased about Double Fine Productions' heavy metal epic Brütal Legend having gone to EA. So…
Publisher Activision has filed suit against Brütal Legend developer Double Fine Productions to prevent the release…
Tim Schafer is showing off Brutal Legend at EA's E3 press conference, and just announced that the last old-timey…
Jack Black voiced Brutal Legend is prepping for E3 this week, unveiling a website dedicated to the game and the big…
I don't know about you, but for me it's gotten to the point where I prefer to see animated characters with Jack…
We already know from Tim Schafer's "subtle" talks on his upcoming rock epic that Brutal Legend will be "drenched in…
The star of Brutal Legend, Eddie Riggs, looks a lot like his voice actor, Jack Black. But he didn't always look like…
Gamers who pre-order Brütal Legend from GameStop will find themselves on the receiving end of an exclusive in-game…
If art is about the personal vision of the artist or an exclusionary experience that separates those who get it from…
Brütal Legend - produced by Tim Schafer, starring Jack Black, published by EA - will be out this October, Electronic…
Yesterday, Brütal Legend and Psychonauts creator Tim Schafer told us not to worry our pretty little heads about game…
If there's one thing Brütal Legend and Psychonauts creator Tim Schafer doesn't want you spending valuable brain…