EA's modern-day shooter Battlefield Bad Company 2 may not have been able to stand toe-to-toe with competitor Modern…
Much as I want to headline this as a "free map download," that would be misleading. Because these aren't playable…
If like to do your shooting from the comfort and convenience of a long distance, Medal of Honor will let you get…
Gamers have needs. They have requests for the games that they play, some of these demands surprisingly specific.…
Six monitors, bolted together, might make your gaming better. It will certainly make it take up more room and, as…
Tomorrow's batch of downloadable content for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on the Xbox 360 lets players dress their…
Squad Rush, a multiplayer mode that was previously available only as a pre-order inducement for Battlefield Bad…
Electronic Arts knocked $10 off the PC download of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - and someone else found a promo code…
With public interest in free-to-play shooter Battlefield Heroes at critical levels following EA's controversial…
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 joins Infinity Ward's fight against "mapathy" on March 30, unlocking its second set of…
With Mac computers the flavour of the week, Battlefield developers DICE are not ones to be left off the bandwagon,…
Women have been serving admirably in warzones for the U.S. military for years. But they're absent from the ranks of…
These days, multiplatform games tend to be dominated by console gamers. Modern Warfare 2, for example, has a…
The quartet of military misfits introduced in the original Battlefield: Bad Company are back and taking a backseat…
The PC version of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 might not support mods, but developer DICE has nothing but love for…
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 producer Gordon Van Dyke joined our illustrious hosts, Brian Crecente and Stephen Totilo,…
Electronic Arts is bragging that its Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo on PS3 and Xbox 360 has been downloaded more…
EA's "Project Ten Dollar", the company's attempts at giving the used game business a dead arm, will be a part of…
Word just hit from EA that their Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo is "on pace to become the fastest downloaded demo…
If EA wants its upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to begin wresting military first-person shooter dominance away…