The thing I like about Letterpress is how it makes a field of letters turn into a vicious battleground, with two…
If you're like me, you play a lot of video games and just might have a game or two baked into your memory of major…

I kinda tuned out on the first big Presidential Debate. But I'm glad that the mad genius behind "Bad Lip Reading"…

This is the Last Presidential Election Gimmick Mobile Game I Will Write About Unless One Kills a Guy
It seems lately that not a day goes by without another mobile game with ties to the upcoming presidential election…

Hot on the heels of Chair's Vote!!! comes another game that involves the Democratic and Republican presidential…

What if Obama and Romney were video game characters, and the national conventions were where they did battle? And…
President Obama may not be in Madden NFL 13's Super Bowl celebration ceremony but that doesn't mean the POTUS can't…
One feature I was keen to check on in Madden NFL 13 was its treatment of the Super Bowl postgame. The past two years…

Well now here's a trailer for VOTE!!!, a game made by the people who made Infinity Blade, that beautiful brawling…

Here's the trailer for The Race for the White House, a new game released today for PC and Mac that simulates the…
Or the Chicago Bulls. Or Golden State Warriors. Or any team in NBA 2K12's Association or My Player modes, as Reddit…

Today, President Barack Obama announced his support for gay marriage. At which point the internet at large threw…
Barack Obama has triumphed over both ignorance and the Republican primary field, in an unofficial and moderately…
Defending his preference for peace in an in-depth interview with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, President Obama…
Critics of the Stop Online Piracy Act, you just might have a new ally: The President of the United States.

From what I've played of Call of Juarez: The Cartel it appears to be just as bad as everyone worried it would. The…
President Obama, on a tour of Europe this week, stopped in Poland today to meet with Prime Minister Donald Tusk. As…
Twitter is freaking out right now over news that Osama bin Laden is dead. Jill Jackson, a producer for CBS News,…

Election Day was yesterday, but so what, none of these politicians in NBA Jam were candidates. When the game hits…
Who's a better dunker, Obama or Clinton? Can Tim Kitzrow, Mr. Boom-Shakalaka, throw down on Mike D from the Beastie…