You can download a free, ad-supported version of Sonic CD from the App Store for a limited time. That’s according to a tweet from Sonic himself. A $1.99 IAP will remove ads, which apparently were showing up even for people who had already purchased the game after a recent update. This problem now seems to be fixed.

This is a good Tweet.

If you're having trouble downloading anything on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you're not alone, as the App Store and iTunes has been down for several hours. Given Apple earned $4.8 billion from the two storefronts last quarter, you'd imagine it'll be up real soon. Read more

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Brilliant news: In early 2014, the excellent indie starship-management game FTL will get a free Advanced Edition that adds all sorts of new stuff. Even better, the game will finally come to iPad, also in early 2014. Yessssssss.
