There's a lot to be said for text-based interactive fiction. It engages our imaginations so directly, and gets…
Have you ever played a game that just feels right—a game where the controls and challenge immediately click, making…
These days, it feels like the phrase "iPhone racing games are a dime a dozen" is an understatement—heck, more than a…
We've promised that Kotaku's Bests lists—compliations of the best games for various platforms—will be changing,…
Apple has had some problems recently with "serious" titles on its iOS store, which have been falling foul of some…
Apple's notoriously haphazard approvals policy for App Store games continues unabated. Only a few months after a…
Look, let's not call them prayers. Rather, you can say that your deepest desires were answered when you got a shiny…
It's too bad that 36You's surreal, hilarious fake boyfriend app Boyfriend Maker has been pulled from Apple's app…
Let me break it down for you: 12 years of Catholic school. Powder-blue communion suit. Did the Stations of the Cross…
Lacking access to this previous week's charts keeps the comparison to a minimum in this week's iPhone game charts.
Naval combat strategy and simulation game Pacific Strike was supposed to be out on iPad already. It's not, though,…
iPhone apps exist for all sorts of purposes: games and media to entertain, file viewers and creation programs for…
Did I ever tell you about how terrified I was of moles when I was a kid? Oh man, I was. I really was. I think I saw…
Just in case you weren't put off by the lack of any kind of mention of Valve Software, advance warning of the game's…
Apple needs Gaming as much as Gaming needs Apple. The games business at Apple currently is, as Steve Jobs said about…
You're not into musicals; I get that. It's a silly show that definitely didn't make me cry multiple times during…
Last year a game was released called Radical Fishing. It was fun, and had a great name, but didn't look so hot. The…
Nearly two-thirds of all revenue generated from the top 100 games in the Apple App store in June came from people…
There are unofficial Pokémon apps, such as this. Nintendo and Game Freak are *finally* releasing an official Pokémon…