Maybe you've heard of 2048? The folks at Grantland have, including the popular smartphone game in a new list of media recommendations while almost entirely glossing over the fact that 2048 is a derivation of a clone of the well-liked game Threes. Well, Threes does get to be an oblique punchline at the end of the piece, so there's that.
App Store cloning continues to be a complex issue, but it'd be nice to see the original work get some recognition beyond a tossed-in joke. Especially when the original is really, really good.
Update: Grantland has added an editor's note to the article, which reads as follows:
Editor's note: This review was edited for conciseness in a manner that unintentionally came off as insensitive to the creators of Threes, a game widely considered to be the inspiration for 2048. We encourage everyone to check out their statement about the copycats, and Threes itself as well.