The Shirobako movie will open in Japan in spring 2020. The original manga and anime adaptation, both which were a behind-the-scenes look at the anime industry, debuted in 2014. P.A.Works, which handled the TV anime, is also doing the feature film. No word yet about an international release.  

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Like Evangelion? This November, Bandai Spirits is releasing a metal build figurine version of the Eva-02, featuring diecast metal parts. It’s priced at 24,200 yen ($226). 

Good news, Eva fans. The first ten minutes of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 will be shown worldwide on July 6. The movie is still slated for a 2020 release. 

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Here is the trailer for the live action version of The Flowers of Evil. Debuting as a manga, it was adapted into a rotoscoped anime in 2013. The movie will open in Japan on September 27. No word yet of an international release. 
